Monday, September 7, 2009

The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70-432 Prep Kit: Database Implementation and Maintenance

The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70-432 Prep Kit: Database Implementation and Maintenance

The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70-432 Prep Kit: Database Implementation and Maintenance

Product Description
SQL Server 2008 is the latest update to Microsoft’s flagship database management system. This is the largest update since SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2008 is a much more significant update than SQL Server 2005, because it brings increased ability to deliver data across more platforms, and thus many different types of devices. New functionality also allows for easy storage and retrieval of digitized images and video. These attributes address the recent explosion in the popularity of web-based video and server and desktop virtualization.
The Real MCTS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70-432 Prep Kit prepares readers for the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist exam: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance.

* This is The ‘Real’ Microsoft Exam Prep Kit, and provides the reader with independent and unbiased exam tips and warnings everything they need to know to ensure certification success.
* Authored by Mark Horninger, a nationally recognized leader in SQL Server with over 50 Microsoft certifications to his credit; Mark knows what it takes to successfully navigate Microsoft exams.
* Complete study package offers Syngress proven pedagogy including practice exams via the book’s companion site


CCSP SNPA Official Exam Certification Guide (3rd Edition)

CCSP SNPA Official Exam Certification Guide (3rd Edition)

CCSP SNPA Official Exam Certification Guide (3rd Edition)
768 pages | Cisco Press; 3 edition (May 4, 2006) | 1587201526 | PDF | 4 Mb

CCSP SNPA Official Exam Certification Guide, Third Edition, is a best-of-breed Cisco® exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the Securing Networks with PIX and ASA (SNPA) exam. Network security consultant, Michael Gibbs, shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve your knowledge of firewall and Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) security. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.

This guide presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes open each chapter and allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Exam topic lists and Foundation Summary tables make referencing easy and give you a quick refresher whenever you need it. Challenging chapter-ending review questions help you assess your knowledge and reinforce key concepts.

The companion CD-ROM contains a powerful testing engine that allows you to focus on individual topic areas or take complete, timed exams. The assessment engine also tracks your performance and provides feedback on a module-by-module basis, presenting question-by-question remediation to the text.

Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this book helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the exam the first time.

CCSP SNPA Official Exam Certification Guide, Third Edition, is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco Systems® that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, visit


Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)

  Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)

Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)
Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | ISBN: 0444876995 | edition 1985 | PDF | 330 pages | 8,8 mb

Combinatorial problems have been from the very beginning part of the history of mathematics. By the Sixties, the main classes of combinatorial problems had been defined. During that decade, a great number of research contributions in graph theory had been produced, which laid the foundations for most of the research in graph optimization in the following years. During the Seventies, a large number of special purpose models were developed. The impressive growth of this field since has been strongly determined by the demand of applications and influenced by the technological increases in computing power and the availability of data and software. The availability of such basic tools has led to the feasibility of the exact or well approximate solution of large scale realistic combinatorial optimization problems and has created a number of new combinatorial problems.


Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML)

Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates CSS  XHTML

Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML)
By Clint Eccher
Publisher: Charles River Media; 3 edition | (April 2, 2008) | 735 Pages | ISBN: 1584505672 | PDF | 41.2 MB

“ Learning CSS technology and continually improving one’s design and developer skills is essential for every Web designer. Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS and XHTML), Third Edition educates beginning-to-intermediate Web designers on crucial design issues through general discussion, case studies, and helpful tips and techniques. Using easy-to-understand language and concepts, the book bridges the knowledge gap from XHTML table-based design to full CSS-based design, helping you master the most current technologies and techniques needed. With over 13 years of experience as a Web designer for Fortune 500 companies, non-profi ts, and small businesses alike, author Clint Eccher has learned numerous tips and techniques of the trade and discloses them here, saving you time and potential aggravation by alerting you to potential pitfalls. Best of all, he shares over 200 of the completely customizable design templates that he has developed over the years on this book’s companion CD-ROM! The designs included on the CD illustrate the book’s content and offer you a variety of options—XHTML table-based coded Web sites, e-newsletters, signatures, Photoshop-only designs, and CSS-coded designs. These designs not only offer the reader a variety of designs that can be quickly customized and used, but are great for inspiration as well. This is a complete Web design training course and free library of templates all in one!


The Essential John Nash

The Essential John Nash

The Essential John Nash
By John Nash
Publisher: Princeton University Press | 2007 | 272 Pages | ISBN: 0691096104 | PDF | 26.65 MB

When John Nash received the Nobel prize in economics in 1994, many people were surprised to learn that he was alive and well. Since then, Sylvia Nasar's celebrated biography A Beautiful Mind has revealed the man. The Essential John Nash reveals his work -- in his own words. This book presents, for the first time, the full range of Nash's diverse contributions not only to game theory, for which he received the Nobel, but to pure mathematics, in which he commands even greater acclaim among academics. Included are nine of Nash's most influential papers, most of them written over the decade beginning in 1949.


Forensic Art (Crime Scene Investigations)

Forensic Art (Crime Scene Investigations)

Forensic Art (Crime Scene Investigations)
By Jennifer Mackay
Publisher: Lucent Books | February 28, 2009 | 104 Pages | ISBN: 1420500694 | PDF | 8.17 MB

The popularity of crime scene and investigative crime shows on television has come as a surprise to many who work in the field. The main surprise is the concept that crime scene analysts are the true crime solvers, when in truth, it takes dozens of people, doing many different jobs, to solve a crime. Often, the crime scene analyst’s contribution is a small one. One Minnesota forensic scientist says that the public “has gotten the wrong idea. Because I work in a lab similar to the ones on CSI, people seem to think I’m solving crimes left and right—just me and my microscope. They don’t believe me when I tell them that it’s just the investigators that are solving crimes, not me.


Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

 Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill College | ISBN: 007004452X | edition 1978 | DJVU | 576 pages | 7,8 mb

This book gives a clear, practical and self-contained presentation of the methods of asymptotics and perturbation theory for obtaining approximate analytical solutions to differential and difference equations. These methods allow one to analyze physics and engineering problems that may not be solvable in closed form and for which brute-force numerical methods may not converge to useful solutions. The presentation is aimed at teaching the insights that are most useful in approaching new problems; it avoids special methods and tricks that work only for particular problems, such as the traditional transcendental functions.
Intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduates, the book assumes only a limited familiarity with differential equations and complex variables.
The presentation begins with a review of differential and difference equations; develops local asymptotic methods for differential and difference equations; explains perturbation and summation theory; and concludes with a an exposition of global asymptotic methods, including boundary-layer theory, WKB theory, and multiple-scale analysis. Emphasizing applications, the discussion stresses care rather than rigor and relies on many well-chosen examples to teach the reader how an applied mathematician tackles problems. There are 190 computer-generated plots and tables comparing approximate and exact solutions; over 600 problems, of varying levels of difficulty; and an appendix summarizing the properties of special functions.
